The House of the Rising Sun | Akkorde

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The House of the Rising Sun ist wie viele Folk-Songs ein Lied, dessen Ursprung nicht sicher geklärt ist. Besondere Berühmtheit erlang er wohl mit der Version der Band The Animals aus dem Jahr 1964. Rising Sun steht im amerikanischen für ein Bordell. In diesem Lied steht dies in New Orleans und erzählt eine tragische Geschichte. Hier findet ihr den vollen Text und die Gitarrenakkorde dazu.

      Em   G        A     C  
There is a house in New Orleans 
     Em       G      H7 
They call the Rising Sun 
   Em           G       A           C      
It has been the ruin of many a poor girl 
    Em      H7       Em   
And me, oh, God, was one 

   Em     G     A  C      
My mother was a tailor, 
    Em         G        H7    
She sewed them new blue jeans. 
   Em       G     A           C       
My lover he was a gambler, Oh Lord 
Em              H7    Em        
Gambled down in New Orleans. 

   Em      G     A        C  
My husband was a gambling man 
   Em        G       H7     
He went from town to town; 
        Em   G           A    C      
And the only time he was satisfied 
         Em           H7     Em   
Was when he drank his liquor down. 

        Em   G       A            C       
Now the only thing a gambling man needs 
     Em       G     H7  
Is a suitcase and a trunk; 
        Em   G         A         C    
And the only time he's ever satisfied 
  Em        H7   Em   
I when he's on a drunk 

Em     G       A    C      
Go and tell my baby sister 
Em       G           B7     
Never do like I have done, 
       Em        G        A     C      
But to shun that house in New Orleans 
          Em       H7     Em   
That they call the Rising Sun 

Em       G    A          C  
With one foot on the platform, 
    Em       G      H7    
And one foot on the train 
    Em    G       A     C     
I'm goin' back to New Orleans 
   Em       H7       Em   
To wear the ball and chain. 

    Em    G       A     C     
I'm going back to New Orleans 
   Em      G      H7       
My race is almost run; 
    Em    G       A         C    
I'm going back to spend the rest of my life 
  Em         H7     Em   
Beneath that Rising Sun.
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Picture of Bernd

Gründer von, Gitarrist und Lehrer aus Leidenschaft.
Mehr über Bernd

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